It can be a whole lot of work dealing with your children during this lockdown. Many of us are working from home, yet still have to attend to the kids.
It’s been proven by the United Nations that approximately 1.25 billion children are home due to the COVID-19 lockdown, which means millions of parents worldwide are looking for ways to maintain sanity in their homes.
This may appear daunting but don’t fear. You can maintain some form of sanity while engaging the children in ways that would benefit them mentally and physically.
If you look around your home, you would find different things that can help you keep your children busy.
Here are some tips to help you out:
- Make them paint: Engage the children in painting different things in the house. You should let them do a painting of their rooms, the sitting room, a family portrait and so on. There are some online apps to help them with ideas of different things to paint; you could download one of those. You can also make them more creative by letting them come up with images to paint by themselves. This could help awaken their imaginations and also help you know what’s going through your children’s minds.
- Create Challenges: There are different challenges that the children can embark on like quizzes, impression challenges, memorization challenges, try not to laugh, spelling challenges, learning new words, and challenging them to learn something new every day. Doing challenges with your children is a fun way of getting to know them better.
- Help them out with schoolwork: It’s understandable that parents have had very busy schedules and haven’t had time to help their kids with their homework and other things in the past. Thus, this lockdown is a good time to catch up and get involved in their lives.
Some schools have created worksheets for the kids, and for those who don’t fall under that category, please endeavor to get from the internet and help them out personally. This would help you bond with your kids and also help them not to lack behind in their academics.
- Teach and assign chores: To keep them busy, and to relieve you as well, teach them different housework and assign daily chores for them. Make them fold their clothes, wash plates, iron, sweep, dust, arrange, etc. This would not only keep them busy but also teach them to be self-dependent.
- Create family time: Make out time to do fun things with the children, like picking movie time for the family, baking, or cooking. You can also select games that the whole family can play. Creating family time is very vital in raising our kids, it gives them a sense of belonging.
- Cleanliness: Educate the kids on COVID-19, teach them to clean their environment regularly, and wash their hands from time to time.
Parenting could be challenging during this period, but please stay positive and try to understand your children. There is no better time to know them better than now.
Stay safe and stay indoors.